Our ProfileAbout Harn Len Corporation Bhd
Harn Len Corporation Bhd (‘Harn Len’ or ‘the Company’) was incorporated on 1 January, 2000. Harn Len was listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (now known as Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad) on 25 July, 2003.
Principal Activities
The principal activities of the Harn Len Group are in the cultivation of oil palm plantations, operation of palm oil mill, provision of plantation development services, palm oil estate and plantation management, investment holding, real property investment and operation of a food and beverage outlet.
As at 21 December, 2022, the Harn Len Group has a total planted acreage of 17,091 hectares of oil palm plantations, situated mainly in Pahang and Sarawak. 85% of the palms are mature while 15% of the trees are immature. It owns a 60 metric tonne FFB per hour oil mill located in Sarawak, which is awaiting for an upgrade to 90 metric tonne FFB per hour.
Beside owning a 25-storey office building known as Johor Tower, Harn Len also owns six (6) units shophouses, three (3) units of factory buildings and two (2) pieces of vacant land which are all located in the commercial business district of Johor Bahru city and within the Iskandar Development Region, Johor. The Company also owns a seven-storey office cum residential building in Kuching, Sarawak.
Locations of Operations